Wednesday, March 23, 2011

It's Our Right! Or Is It?

Hello all, sorry I missed posting a few blogs. I had been out a town for a minute. This week's blog poses the question "Is it our right"? 

Is it our right as African American women to voice a verbal or written opinion when we see brothers liking or loving only white women? This blog will usually focus on the trials and tribulations of growing up dark skinned, but I recently read another article about our boy Tiger Woods and I thought I would put the question out there. I have absolutely no problem with interracial marriages, because I am actually in one myself, but I do have a problem when it seems that certain people, and  black men in particular, only seem to entertain white women! 

I believe in loving whoever loves you back and whoever treats you well, but I will never accept that rationale from someone who seems to have never even attempted to date someone within their own race. Now what I am about to say will really get some people's blood boiling, but what the heck, I am gonna say it anyway! I can truly understand why black women date outside of their race, but find it hard to understand why black men won't make several attempts to stick within their race, before going to another. As I stated before, if you happen to just fall in love with someone outside of the black race, and it is clearly a match made in heaven, so be it. But when someone will only attempt to date outside of their race, then there is clearly a problem. 

So should we get our necks all tight over men like Tiger Woods, or should we not care?

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